Today when President Tom Kap researched Austenasia he was amazed. He then had a meeting with his Generals. He then said, "This is one of the best micronations I've ever seen and that means that Emperor Jonathan Austen deserves a title!". The title will be: Amazing Micronationalist and Order of Sungkar. This is greatly deserved and President Tom Kap says that it is important to work hard like Emperor Jonathan Austen as look at how amazing his micronation has become. This is a very big honor and the Duke government is proud to award it to the Emperor. Tom Kap is very happy and this is the first time a micronational leader outside of Duke gets a title from the Dukian Government and President. Tom Kap told us today: "This is a very amazing title and I am proud to hand it out to those who work hard and deserve it!". Reporting live from Chatham City.
Duke's main claim of land is in Chatham City which is in the neighbourhood of TriBeCa. This is the first ever claimed area of the nation. Tom Kap expanded Dukes Claim last week by creating the Tribeca Protectorate. Downtown New York (Everything Below Canal Street Except for the World Trade Center) is under joint control of Dukian Authorities and USA Authorities. This plan was to help the downtown community with fundraiser events as well. Many downtowners like the new plan and only 23 opposed it out of 2,486. Micronations in Downtown like the Shogunate of Samia are not under Dukian Control. This new plan is already succeeding and Tom Kap hopes that it will turn downtown into a much prettier place.
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