HM Prince Tom Kap gave birth to a dragon baby today. This dragon baby will mysteriously disappear on March 2nd. Tom Kap went into labor during school and gave birth to the dragon baby in the classroom. **NOTE THIS IS A PRANK**
Many people have heard of Kanglap. Kanglap has 12 speakers, with 5 fluent/advanced speakers. It is classified as a conlang and isn't spoken by Dukian Expatriates except for Owen Shorland who is Tom Kap's good friend, the rest of the speakers are mainlanders. Some members of the Kap dynastical family know Kanglap at an intermediate level. However, this may change as Owen Shorland who is a Dukian Local Expatriate who lives close to Duke wishes to see our expatriate community celebrate our culture by learning our language. Kanglap has a growing vocabulary. The language is worked on every day and so is the online translator that is used. Not only can Kanglap be used for Dukian people, but it can also be used internationally even or at least locally. Dukian people are mostly expatriates. That is fine, as at least we have a population. 44 people (Cybercitizens, Expatriates, Local Citizens/Expatriates, and Mainlanders). Therefore the Dukian Prince, HIH Tom Yusuf Kap of Chat