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Tom Kap visits Kamuda Peninsula in Auvenum

As a symbol of peace after the aftermath of the Dukian Auvenese diplomatic crisis, our beloved and heroic president visited Kamuda Peninsula Auvenum with his mother, Her honor Kirsten Kap. Tom stayed there for around 40 minutes surveying the Peninsula and Marking the border as Duke has a claim next to Auvenum. Afterward, Auvenum and Duke recognized each other. This act of diplomacy was seen as great by the Dukian People. Tom also did a post on Instagram about Auvenum. Tom has been invited to White Island a project that is being worked on by Auvenums government. Tom visited Jazihr Allah which is Duke's claim that borders Auvenum at Manhattan Beach.

Here are some pictures:

Great President Tom Kap left the Dukian flag there as a present for Prince Russell Gilzem.


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